Best time for Cheap Prom Dresses outdoor wedding I don know what part Column Wedding Dresses
of ohio you are in we live in columbus also considered a fall
wedding.But decided not to because of the buckeyes.Yea, i know it a
totally lame reason, right? ;) We are huge fans, though.And even if we
decided to hold our wedding in the fall, a lot of our families would be
put out if we held it on a saturday(Again, big sports fans)And we didn
want a sunday wedding. However, if you are one of those rare ohioans who
aren totally obsessed w/the bucks, i would suggest anytime inSept.Or
early oct.You know how humid miserable it can be here in july
august.Sept.Is probably the best month for good weather(Nice temps, not
so much rain. )But if you want the wedding in oct.To commerate the
beginning of your relationship,
go with the first 2 wks of oct, rather than later in the month.It can
get really cold as the month progresses but early on, you still have a
chance for those beautiful fall days in the 60: )