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Main » 2014 » February » 18 » Tiffany Shop where single words are only separated by
7:14 AM Tiffany Shop where single words are only separated by |
How to use the semicolon Whether you're a student or a professional, proper
english punctuation is critical when submitting projects and
correspondence.Follow this guide on how to use the semicolon. Use a semicolon to
separate related main clauses that aren't joined by and, but, for, nor, so, or
yet.The most common place to use a semicolon in the english language is between
two related main clauses.These two clauses could stand alone and end with
periods, but the semicolon shows the strong relationship between the two
clauses.These two clauses can be closely connected, or they can be in contrast
to each other.Either way, the semicolon acts as a link between the two
ideas.Here are a few examples: As you can see, both of these sentences contain
two related main clauses.Although they could have been written as two separate
sentences, the semicolon joined the two clauses to make the sentence more
striking and the link between the two clauses more obvious. Use a semicolon to
separate two main clauses that use a conjunctive adverb or a transitional
expression.Another way to use the semicolon effectively is to put it between two
main clauses that are separated with a conjunctive adverb(Like however and
therefore)Or a transitional phrase or expression(Like in fact and for
example).In each case, the semicolon would come at the end of the first main
clause, before the conjunctive adverb or transitional expression.Here are some
examples of proper semicolon use following these rules: I don't enjoy playing
golf;In fact, i just gave away my clubs. She gave me an a on my essay;However, i
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still think i deserved an a+. You will find that conjunctive adverbs and
transitional expressions can be relocated within the second main clause and
still make sense.Chesterton). Use a semicolon in a list when the items contain
punctuation marks.This sounds like a tricky one to understand, but it really
isn't.You must also use a semicolon to divide a longer, more detailed list where
the items contain commas or other punctuation marks.In normal, simple lists
Shop where single words are only separated by commas, semicolons
need not be used.But when the series is more complicated, the semicolon helps to
break up the items in a list and make the sentence easier to understand.Read
this example: I have been to the ihop in houston, texas;Miami, florida;San
diego, california;And detroit, michigan. You'll notice that by using a semicolon
in this sentence, the reader can more easily differentiate between the items in
the list or the series.Otherwise, the sentence would be fraught Cheap Tiffany
Necklaces with commas that would leave even the most seasoned
english speaker puzzled. Semicolons are not as popular in english writing and
speech these days, but those who continue to use them appreciate the value of a
properly-Placed semicolon.
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